Of life after debt; traps and wisdom

Time was when Ceylon had no debt. And the ‘$hylocks’ of that world had little interest in affluent Ceylon to capture pounds of flesh. But times and tides have changed. As Shakespeare’s Polonius had advised his son Neither a borrower nor a lender is; for loan oft loses both itself and friend, and borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry.

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Of Tweets, Trumpets & Triumphs

The last time I checked, the Twitter Meter showed 650 million tweets had been sent out worldwide within the last 24 hours – some 7000 tweets per second. Now if I was writing the above sentence on Twitter, I would have reached exactly the max of 140 characters allowed – with spaces and punctuations in count.

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Of autism, literary brilliance and hidden potential

Last week there was the horrific and incomprehensible tragedy in Portland Oregon, USA. Two Muslim teenage young ladies on a train, one of whom wearing a hijab, were subjected to hateful and offensive speech by a 35-year old known white American supremacist.

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